Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Online Computer Technical Support-Quick, Instant and Effective Solution

She had everything in her life including a nice job, big house, luxury cars and all, but one thing which she still lack is that a family. Now she is on the fifth decade of her life, all alone. Like others girls she too had dreamt a lot, but the God had some other plan. The only thing, which is banking her, to live the rest life is the memories stored on her hp laptop.

This is not a novel story; it is a live experience of a lady, who called up for Online Computer Technical Support yesterday. Being open-minded she shared these facts with great intimacy. I asked for the computer problem which she had. Then she said, “I have been facing issues, while accessing my photos and videos from my hard-drive. Whenever I go for it I’m getting errors that I am not authorized to access these programs.”
I asked for the Windows version running on the system and requested to have the remote access of the system, which I got. I changed the administration settings in safe mode for XP Home Edition in order to take ownerships of the folders I was having issues with. But it didn’t work.

There after I transferred the remote session to an Antivirus Support specialist, who then looked into the Windows Event Viewer and edited the Windows Registry settings. To ensure effective result system was scanned with an online virus removal tool. In a short time, the task was over.

Eventually, I informed her that the system is virus-free and you can access your all stored files and media files in an error-free state. She was overwhelmed with joy and said, “Indeed your efforts and computer technical support is great and you have shown me a ray of hope to live.”


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