Monday, July 25, 2011

Forget your Password-Go Online Tech Support

It all started when I came back from a coffee break in the morning. The moment I touched the keypad of my Dell laptop, it asked for administrator password. I was blank at the moment, as I didn’t create any in the past.
Being hopeless I started putting some alphabetical and numeric combination arbitrarily, which I generally use to create security passwords. I went on trying but there was no way out. Even I tried to use the “Safe-Mode” feature but that too didn’t help. Again it diverted me to the same window.

At last I was on the verge of formatting and re-installing the operating system. But I was afraid with the data loss as well. I was in dire need of computer tech support.

I contacted a local technician on the phone to restore the admin password. Unfortunately he was not free that time, but then he advised me an online Computer support portal. I took the phone number and dialed it and that’ turned to be of great help.

I’m s haring the steps here:

• Download “Windows Password Unlocker” from Password Unlocker Official site.
• Decompress the “Windows password unlocker” and note that there is an .ISO image file. Burn the image file onto an blank CD with the burner freely supported by Password Unlocker.
 • Insert the newly created CD into the locked computer and re-boot it from the CD drive.
• After launched the CD, a window pop up with all your account names (if you have several accounts) select one of the accounts that you have forgotten its password to reset it. Just one press, you have removed the password.

Indeed, you too would appreciate the solution offered by online tech support provider.


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