Last week a friend of me called up. Actually, being frustrated with the Windows frequent crash, blue-screen error, .DLL error, and data lost issues he was going for a Mac PC. He was in no mood to spare any more time with Microsoft Windows. He wanted my opinion.
Though these complaints are not new for me as a computer support representative but this time it actually hurled me to the depth. I too have a Windows PC and probably you might be the one.
Is replacing Windows the only remedy? I don’t agree entirely with the move. Think broad! What actually puts Windows on the radar of cybercrimes? Does it mean that Microsoft security updates are not effective? Or Microsoft support team is not aware of the development going round?
No…not, at all. As you know that Microsoft is a dynamic and customer-centric organization, without being focused it would not have written the success saga.
What I guess, the one thing which provoke the virus author for creating stuffs for Microsoft Windows is its ‘Volume’. Despite a marginal decline in the total market share in 2011 due to emergence of mobile operating system and smartphones, it still shares a big space in home and business segments.
Though Apple enjoys an upward graph but still it has much to achieve. You can analyze the trend in the image given.
In March, the company sold 100 million iPhones. That translates into 100 million copies of its Safari browser, which has been gradually chipping away at Internet Explorer’s share in the browser market. Don’t you think that such claims can draw the illicit markets’ Attention?
A recent test by on Mac has revealed the vulnerable aspect of it. The engineers were able to remotely execute the malicious attack codes bypassing the ‘iOS Sandbox’. The project used rigged PDF files to deliver the malformed fonts.
Honestly speaking, no place is secure. Hence, change your attitude and stay vigilant ever, which will let you go secure with online computing.
The moment you struck with any bad symptoms call your reliable computer tech support provider.
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