Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Live Hope-Troubleshooting Computer Problems

Have you ever been a victim of computer problems? Definitely, it is hard to deny upon. May God forbid! Anyone, from a computer problem, which I faced last week. What happened was something usual, but the moment it occurred it caused my nerves to bundle. The shift was over, everyone had gone and I was the non-sense who was sitting in front of my system to complete my task. The reason was “I asked for a leave and it was reverted with a big ‘NO’. Thanks to the mercy of the manager, he gave me the freedom to come a bit delay. Nonetheless, it was my job and so I was destined to do it. I was working on and on, but suddenly my laptop shut down automatically. It was just like a trailer of the disastrous movie. I was in a sole dismay.

I ran down to call a technician for Troubleshooting Computer Problems. But his luck was good, and he was nowhere. My nerves were getting bundled as it was really tough to get somebody at a moment of closing hour. I went out in the cafeteria, and sat near the glass window which was bringing the image of the whole city. Everything was lit-up and the azure sky was making the sight sexier. My mind was chilled out and I was feeling a bit relax! Suddenly, an idea delighted my mind. I returned back to my cabin, opened my old diary and then began to explore its pages. After a short span of time I came across a tool, in fact, I got the hope line. It was a number to access a computer repair company, which was online feasible over a phone line.

I called up the company’s number, and as it is a known fact that when all doors are closed then the sign of goodness comes from that almighty, and once again your desperate heart starts beating. I was soon welcomed by an adorable voice. The person on the other end asked me for some details about the laptop problems and assured me for a complete Laptop Support. That gentleman guided me to put the laptop in safe mode and troubleshoot it further; I did whatever he told me as a drowning man, who clutches a straw. It was a total robotic experience that I was going through, and soon I found life streaming into my laptop. It booted and ran extremely well like a brand new machine. I thanked him for the laptop support. Hence, problems don’t mean that there is end of the road. Cheer up!


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