Last week I got some project from one of my trusted freelance editor. The project was important and I was supposed to complete it in a week time. I was quite happy with the offer as it was really interesting and was related to one of my favorite subject on sociology.
Being working on my Windows 7-based Hp computer I realized that my Office 2003 is not up to the mark and I should get it replaced with the new Office 2010. Things were never easy for me when it comes to install and activate any new software application on my system. I drained my knowledge to clad on the application software but went nowhere. I searched on the Google to get some relevant solution for the Office 2010 installation issue.
After searching a few pages I got a webpage, where it was mentioned to get your answer. I submitted my question “How to Install Office 2010 in Windows 7”, and with no delay I came to a step-by-step solution, but my Adam and Eve was not with the site. I wanted to know the authenticity of the website and then I came across a toll-free number which was mentioned on the same page. I dialed that number with my mobile to get some tech support for MS Office 2010 and in a few seconds my call was picked by a technician. He took some details and then asked me to insert the Microsoft Office 2010 installation disk into the DVD drive. I did the same.
Afterwards, the technician wanted to have the remote access of my HP computer, to which I agreed. Next, what I could see was next to dream. The mouse pointer was moving on its own; the Office set-up file was downloaded and run to install the program and later on it was activated using the product activation key, which I offered him over the chat window. Indeed it was an 'andsome experience. I thanked the guy and paid the bucks. It was a nominal price, which I hadn’t imagined.
Next moment I restarted my hp computer. I went through my Word and Excel file. All were looking great under the new version of Office. The new features of Office 2010 were extremely flawless and simple to use. I wouldn’t have finished the project in time if the problem had remained with the installation.
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