Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Windows System Error-A Debacle You Can’t Forget

I can still recall the Windows system error, which I faced with my hp laptop. It was the summer of 2010, the year when I was acclaimed for the best employer of the company, and was awarded with this machine.
Indeed such rewards are quite memorable; nevertheless I remember it for the Windows system error, which brought a life time defame and certainly given a reason for everyone in family to laugh at me. In fact, you would laugh! But don’t please, don’t play with my feelings.

Being in a bubbly mood I decided to serve a party at home. I called up for the snacks and everything at night. Everything was going quite well….till 11:00 pm, then, suddenly the most hilarious things dashed into, when I tried to turn on the system in front of all for a photo session with it. I pressed the button to make it boot on. It didn’t respond at all. My younger son was the first to mock me and then all joined the trend. I assured everybody that ok there can be battery failure as it was kept on the entire day and controlled everyone. But as you know you can hide from everyone but not from your own, and my heart was bleeding in fact.
Next day, I started searching for the reason behind the menace and then I called up a family technician to look into. After a survey he told me that there is some Windows system error and it needs to be repaired. I stared his face, saying are you “Ok, what can happen with the Windows this is a brand new machine?” But at the end I had to agree. I told him to do the needful, he did a bit troubleshooting taking the Windows Cd, but there was no way out then he suggested me to call Windows support phone number to get the support.

I was really mum, what should I do, either laugh or sob! Then I called up the phone number, and there also I got the same resolution that there could be Windows system error and you have to get it repaired to resume computing. Eventually, my obsessed mind agreed, ok there is something wrong as everyone can’t be my enemy. But thanks, I got the right Tech Support and the concerned technician diagnosed and repaired the corrupted Microsoft Windows system software.


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