Monday, August 1, 2011

Frustrating Dell Computer Users Punished For Nothing

“Man proposes and God disposes”, it came down truly on a Dell computer user who called up saying, “I installed AVG Update, but then it halted the system booting, ‘Am I wrong?’” “Are you from Dell computer support” he further asked.

I ascertained, I am not from Dell but our company delivers support for the Dell computer, laptop and printer.

I asked the exact error, then he came up with a long thread, “STOP: c0000135 The program can't start because %hs is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.”

I informed him that its not actually his fault, there is something wrong with the AVG update, which is available on the AVG server. Soon it will be restored but at the time you need to reinstall the software or discard the update.

I collected a few details, which were mandatory on my part. I came to know that the machine was equipped with windows 7 64-bit.

I advised the computer user to start the system in “Safe-Mode” I instructed him over the phone, afterwards I asked for the remote access of the system to which he agreed upon.

I navigated directly to the “Control Panel”, and then to the program list to uninstall AVG software.

I checked for the update in the Windows Registry settings and edited it suitably. Again the software was installed and the problem was fixed.

I explored the console settings of the AVG to view the current status and then configured it appropriately.
Sometimes you have to pay off, when you are not guilty even.


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